Tuesday, March 08, 2005

day 65 - good stuff

Boy, normal feels so good. The past couple of weeks I felt lousy. Being under the weather like that sure makes you appreciate how good just normal feels. I am finding that it's taking me a little while to get going in the mornings. I've actually been sleeping about 20 minutes later than I had been before I got sick. It throws my morning routine off a bit so hopefully I'll snap myself out of it soon.

My eating has been terrific the past couple of days. As I mentioned yesterday, I definitely over ate on the weekend but I'm doing really well now. I figure that if I'm going to eat too much, at least overeat "healthier" snacks. It seems too that what I now consider overeating isn't really all that bad, relatively speaking. As I keep saying, as long as the good things outnumber the bad things at the end of the week, I'm okay.

Other than sleeping, eating, working and exercising, there isn't much going on with me this week. At times like this though, boring is good. It means that I'm sticking to my plan and that it's working. I know that is boring but that's okay with me. When it comes to losing weight and getting healthy, I'm all about boring!!

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