Wednesday, December 14, 2005

yogurt report & magical hair

I should have mentioned yesterday that "Source" yogurts are a product of the Yoplait company and, I'm in Canada. Today, I've tried the raspberry cranberry crumble and in a little while, I'll have the strawberry chantilly. The chocolate one I tried yesterday was okay but it didn't sit very well. I think that fruit based is always the route to go with these things.

This morning I got brave again (not sure why I always think that this is an act of bravery) and stepped on the scale. Now, I hadn't lost anything but the scale hadn't moved either. Given that the only real exercise I've had in the past week is some snow shoveling, and add to that, pizza for dinner last night, I'm not surprised. I'm guessing that maintenance during the holidays wouldn't be a horrible goal to have.

Slowly, I'm getting used to my hair. One of the benefits of long hair was that it didn't require any time at all in the morning. My hair was so heavy that I could not literally do a thing with it. I would pull on a hat and go out with a wet head. Mid-morning, it would get pulled back into a ponytail. That's it. Now, I'm once again a slave to my hair dryer. I even dug out my hair wax. I like it, it's definitely cute and I'm discovering that it's a very good cut. It's also sort of magical because my face looks less fat now. Perhaps that is a lack of pms bloat but I think that a big part of it is the haircut. Say it with me, hurray for optical illusions!!

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