Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Yikes, what a day. I'm so glad that it's over. This evening has been lovely but I nearly blew a gasket at work today. I had a really busy morning. It was a good busy though, got lots done. I worked straight through, head down and didn't have my mid-morning snack. Ordinarily I have an apple at around 10:30 a.m. or so. I had a meeting booked for the time I usually have my lunch (not my choice!) so I figured I'd eat my lunch when the meeting broke. Because I didn't get my apple, I was like extra hungry....and then a whole bunch of people showed up to the meeting with their lunches. The rest of us just sat there, with low blood sugar and grumbling tummies, smelling their food. It totally sucked. The meeting ended up being a huge waste of my time. I hate going to meetings which don't have agendas. I like to know what I'm getting into. We were supposed to be getting training in a new piece of software. What it ended up being was a demo of the software (which, as it happens, is easier to use than the Amazon.com online ordering form - yeah, it's that simple!). By the time I got out of the meeting, I was really grumpy. Eventually I got to eat my lunch but by the time I finished eating it was around 2:30 p.m. This meant that when I would ordinarily be eating my afternoon snack (a banana), I wasn't hungry. I really like to keep to my schedule as much as possible. I mean, sometimes things come up that are actually important and they knock you off your routine. What pissed me off was that I got all out of whack for no good reason. I still feel a bit fragile with this stuff at times and I worry about going off plan. Fortunately, I didn't go nuts and snack after work / before dinner and at the end of the day I was down a few calories. For dinner we had a really yummy (albeit hot) curry. Mostly veg with tofu and some leftover ham on brown basmati rice. We added some different veggies to it too, some cauliflower and chinese eggplant, just for variety.

My goal for tomorrow is to not get stressed about things I have no control over. Let's see how it goes!!

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