Saturday, September 27, 2003

Blah...I feel blah. I'm having major cramps right now and I feel yucky. I went into the office for a few hours this morning and was able to get a bunch of stuff done. Since I've been home though, I've sort of been dragging my butt around the house. I haven't worked out yet but I think I'll do something in the exercise vein this evening, it should help my cramps go away if nothing else.

I had a goooood weigh-in this week. After last week's maintain, I'm down 2 pounds this week. Even with our eating routine thrown off slightly, the regular exercise is helping me keep on track. So, this week's weigh-in puts me at 74 pounds gone since January 6. I'm feeling pretty good about that!! The other day I wore my new brown cords to work and a couple of my co-workers commented on how my slim my legs were looking. That was nice to hear! I also measured up and have lost another inch from my waist and a half-inch from my hips.

I may go back into work for a bit tomorrow. I have a tonne of laundry to do too but I may try to get at that later today. Right now, I think I'm going to try a nap and another ibuprofen. Cramps suck!

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