Tuesday, March 09, 2004

kickin' ass on day 2, oh Justine, where are you?

Today has gone super well. I managed to keep totally, 100% on plan with my eating. Now, this might not seem like anything difficult but folks, I was in Costco tonight. I was there for about 30 minutes. I bought carrots and broccoli and more peppers and some bottled water and some smoked turkey but nothing "bad" (although we did pick up Season 3 of Futurama on DVD). We wandered past the baked goods, past the easter chocolate, the ice cream...but I didn't stop, for anything. After yesterday I feel that this is a particularly huge accomplishment. I just kept telling myself how I didn't need it and, really, didn't want it. I feel so pleased with myself for not indulging tonight, for not talking myself into one little "treat."

On Saturday, when we were in Syracuse, the little Girl Scouts were set up about every 20 feet with tables covered in cookies. Every time we'd walk by, I'd hear a little voice say, "would you like to buy some cookies?" Every time, I'd say to myself (out loud but quiet), "Yes I would, but I'm not going to!"

Anyway, it's been a super long day (although not as bad as yesterday so my head's not pounding quite so much) so I'm heading off to bed. Oh, by the way, Justine, I wrote you an email in response to your comment yesterday but it bounced. Please drop me an email, I'd like to resend the note to you.

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