Tuesday, May 03, 2005

day 6 - detoxing

Even though I'm not doing a cleanse or any kind of juice fast, I feel better. On the weekend, I felt kind of heavy, bloated and gassy. Gross huh?? I can tell that the amount of sodium in my system is decreasing because my rings are feeling looser. Forgive me if this is TMI but I peed a lot yesterday. I don't think I drank any more water than I normally do so I must have been retaining a lot of fluid. It was weird but as I mentioned earlier, I'm feeling better.

Today was day two of getting back to my morning exercise session. Again, I did a 20 minute ride (and rode exactly the same distance, strangely enough) but I added some upper body exercises to my stretching. My knees, which had been bothering me since I got my cold, have started to feel better. I'm sure it's not a coincidence.

So, back on track is feeling better. I'm not surprised, it always does.

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