Saturday, January 17, 2004

Sore Saturday

Last night, before I went to bed, I felt a slight twinge of a sore throat coming on. Seeing how practically everyone around me over the past couple of weeks, this didn't strike me as odd. We were both really tired last night though so, immediately after South Park, we went to sleep. This was 10 p.m. We slept in until almost 8 a.m. This is extremely unusual for us but I figured that I must have needed it or I wouldn't have slept so late. When I got up and moving around, I felt really stiff and sore and I just chalked it up to spending too much time in bed, in a sound sleep. As the morning moved along, my back stiffened up more until I had that pinching thing at the top of my left hip. This pinching back / hip thing happens once in a while and it's usually caused by either too much sleep (in one shot) or too much stress. This time, it was definitely the too much sleeping thing. On a positive note, my throat is not sore. I'm thinking that the cold must have gone into my back when I was sleeping too much!

I dragged my ass into the shower, made a half-assed attempt at vacuuming the upstairs of the house and managed to drag the vacuum downstairs. That was as far as I got with my chores. Oh, actually, I also made the bed, big whoop huh? Huge mountains of laundry were piled up on the bathroom floor but there was no way I was going to be able to get them down to the kitchen (where my washer and dryer are). I went out and did some errands. Driving wasn't too bad and as long as I walked really slowly, I could get where I needed to go. Fortunately, shortly after I got home, my hunny got home from work and he helped me get the wash downstairs. I spent the best part of the afternoon riding the heating pad and then, this evening, I did some laundry whilst crawling around downstairs. I'm actually feeling a lot better right now and I'm hoping that a little more time on the heating pad before bed and a good night's sleep (although not too long) should straighten me up.

Needless to say, I didn't exercise today. Saturday tends to be my break day anyway so I'm not too bothered by that. I have no idea how many calories I consumed today but I only had one proper meal. The rest of my daily consumption was snacky stuff here and there. It shouldn't add up too badly so, again, I'm not bothered. The only thing I'm bothered about is feeling better tomorrow. I really don't want to not exercise tomorrow, I want to feel stronger and be able to walk in an upright position. *fingers crossed*

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