Thursday, January 15, 2004

Today was weird. There was some minor drama in the office at the beginning of the day that sort of set an odd tone for the rest of the day. Add that to really fucking cold temperatures and it just made for some overall weirdness in my day. It was the kind of weirdness that, in the past, might have thrown me off track but, you know, it's going to take a whole lot more than some office drama and chilly weather to slip me up!!

Even though all I really wanted to do this morning was pull the covers over my head and not face the minus 31 degree windchill, I dragged my sorry ass out of bed and worked out. I was actually relieved to see a bare driveway when I woke up. We had heard all about a big storm that Toronto was getting when we went to bed last night. I half expected to see that it had made it's way to us through the night. I had a really good ride on my recumbent bike and did a lot of stretching to try to work out the cold induced kinks I was feeling.

Eating was super fabulous today. We actually had dinner at home tonight (yay!!) and my hunny made us a delicious meal. We had pork loin, zucchini and tomato over some whole wheat penne. Very nice. Oh, it had a lot of garlic in it too, yum! We've been running the roads after work all week so it was really a treat to get home at a decent time and have a meal before 6 p.m.

The busy week is catching up with me though and I'm really pooped. Our copy of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season One arrived on Tuesday and I think we might just crawl into bed and watch a couple of episodes before sleep...if I can make it that long. I'm really looking forward to seeing "Beloved Aunt" again. I almost peed my pants the first time I saw it! On that note, I'm heading to bed...Stay warm and sleep well ladies!

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