Tuesday, May 15, 2007

on cake

So there was a gorgeous cheesecake to be had on my birthday. You can drool over it if you want:

icing on the cake

It weighed three pounds and was full of white chocolate, peanut butter and cream cheese. He actually made it with lower fat cream cheese and margarine instead of butter but goodness, it was decadent. I had a piece and a half on my birthday and a piece tonight. The rest of it went to the office, to friends, to some ladies my hunny knows. It's all gone. It was amazing but it was a birthday thing. It's over.

And now I'm 40. It's not as bad I once imagined it would be. Of course, the bad imagining happened in my teens. I'm a little more realistic about things now. I'm feeling good about the age thing and about myself. I had a little talk with myself and convinced myself that I'm not a bad person because I'm now 40 and still fat. By convetional standards, no matter how much weight I eventually lose, I'll likely still be considered fat. I'm not bothered by that. I just want to be healthy. I've said it before and I'll keep saying it.

One day at a time, I'm taking care of myself. Seriously. I mean it this time, I'm gonna do it!! Watch me!!!


Keith Jackson said...

I think im going that cake

BethK said...

Happy Birthday Peg!

At the time I was much more struck by the absurdity that I could actually be 40. I certainly didn't feel 40 (or whatever 40 was supposed to feel like.) With age and experience come wisdom and I wouldn't trade that for anything. Enjoy!

(Awesome looking cake, btw. Your DH is a genius!)

Anonymous said...

The cake surely looks delicious...i'm sure you had a wonderful time...and it was really nice reading through your post...thanks for sharing this with us!!!

Jenn said...

Wow, that looks so good!

Argy said...

In a just a week's time I found out that 3 of the women I care for and admire have their birthday on May, 13. Two of you are bloggers!

A year ago, I discovered that my mom had my birth time wrong and my ascendant is not Gemini like I have had been informed from my chart, but Taurus?


Happy belated birthday Peg! May you count your years with smile and pride!

You were right you know. Suddenly, one day, when you don't expect it, you see a small thing, like a flower blossoming first in the pot, and you realise that you smile and actually feel joy.

You were right. Life goes on. And it can get beautiful again.

Not that sadness diminished to nothing. But the zest for life is stronger and the light begins to show its strength.

You told this to me in the early days. And it stuck in the back of my head. In the veeeeeeeeery back actually ;)

Thank you Peg.

May your life be filled with completeness and light.

*warm hug*


Lora said...

Happy Birthday! 40 isn't so bad...it's all relative my dear. The cake looks scrumptious. Good for you - taking it to the office!

FatMom said...

Beautiful cake, SG! Even more beautiful attitude!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Peg!!! It's not just lip service when I say I thought you were much younger. Your pictures put you in your 30s!