Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I can report

...a couple of things:

1. I was off from work on Thursday afternoon and all day Friday due to illness. I feel much better now.

2. Before going home sick, I talked to my boss about my overwhelming workload and I've been given lots of help.

3. I have not cried at my desk at all this week.

4. I have not snacked in the evenings the past two evenings (I know it's only two but still, TWO!)

5. While I'm not 100% back on my original plan, I'm more focused on my eating and making a conscious effort to be nicer to myself.

6. I hope to be posting here a little more often now than things seem to be settled, or at least more settled than they have been recently.

how've you all been?


...jus me said...

good to see you back...I am struggling thru my second day of eating healthy and trying not to hate myself for going backwards. look forward to you posting more often again. missed you!

neca said...

Number of non snacking evenings in a row: one. Hey, its a start!

Denise said...

I'm so glad to see you back - just keep on keeping on!