Friday, March 02, 2007


well hello. I realized this morning that it's been a while since I'd posted here. honestly, I'm just not thinking about the old blog much these days.

for a while, I was in the habit of posting at lunchtime, while I was at work. that's not happened recently because I've been kind of busy at work. lucky for me, we've hired a new admin person and so far (it's only been 3 days) it's making my life much easier. she's a dream and I feel very positive about the whole thing.

this week, I've had a wicked headcold. the first really bad cold of the season so I shouldn't complain. I think I picked it up in the grocery store on Sunday (from the buggy handle - gross). we've been sleeping well and eating well and generally taking good care of ourselves so that's the only thing I can think of it that would have exposed me to the germs. this morning I'm feeling marginally better although my nose feels like it looks like raw hamburger from blowing it so much.

to add insult to all of that nose-blowing, tom started this morning. fun times huh?? oh well, at least it's freezing rain outside right now so getting to work should be tough. I'm not complaining, really...just saying. it's almost the weekend and I've booked Monday off for no particular reason so that's good. I'm just really looking forward to breathing and sleeping again. I miss those activities, a lot.

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