Tuesday, January 09, 2007

another day, yay

although it's only been a little over a week since I've been "being better" at all of this healthy living stuff, I'm already seeing a difference in my skin and my nails. for a while, my nails were splitting and were generally weak. they are much stronger recently and are growing pretty quickly again. it's nice to see.

as far as my skin goes, I think it's detoxing from the great holiday spinach dip incident of 2006. post TOM, I've developed a couple of spots (spots, at 39, shocking isn't it!!) that I think are a result of the crap clearing out of my system.

it's good though, I mean the spots are kinds pink and gross and of course I'd rather not have them but at the same time, I know it's for the best. I've really increased my water intake as well. I'd let that fall off a bit while I was on vacation (too easy access to the coffee pot here at home was the reason). of course, there is the peeing, not so much that I feel like I'm depleting all of my minerals and stuff, but enough, again, to know that I'm doing good stuff.

other than feeling like the new routine is starting to gel, there isn't anything exciting to report. eating well, taking vitamins, journalling, it's all kind of boring but it's necessary and right now, I feel good about being boring!

1 comment:

Teena in Toronto said...

You go, Girl!

I did a detox last fall. I didn't feel any different ... just exhausted :(