Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Something in my head clicked yesterday morning. I wrote about the exercise plan and that was just part of it. For the first time in a really really long time, I feel good about getting healthier.

Last night, as soon as I got home, I put on some track pants and an old t-shirt and went downstairs to ride the recumbent bike while my hunny made dinner. I honestly can't tell you how long it's been since my butt's been on that bike but it's been a while.

I turned the tv on (Oprah had Valerie BertandErnie on) and decided that I'd ride for 15 minutes or 3 miles, whichever came first. That may seem like not a lot but it was my first day back and I really didn't want to hurt myself. I chose the 20 minute program on my bike and started peddalling. I could really feel it in my thighs and behind my knees but I kept going. When I got to 3 miles, I thought, well hell, I am going to keep going until my 15 minutes are up. When I got to 15 minutes I was more than ready to stop and I'd rode 3.59 miles.

After dinner, my hunny went for a ride. He was feeling really crappy last night (and this morning I think he has the flu - he's home from work) but he rode for 10 minutes while I did a bunch of little chores upstairs. I was shocked actually, at how energized that little ride made me. Normally, after dinner, I'd flake out in front of the tv and leave whatever it was I did until the weekend. If this keeps up, I may have no chores to do all weekend!!

As far as eating goes, I've now stopped journalling. That really helped me out but I don't think I need it for now. My basic rule of thumb, and it feels like it's working, is this: as low fat as possible, lots of raw veggies and fruit and water. I've decided to avoid junk food as much as I can but, if I really need something (like a bad hormonal craving), I'm just going to give in and have a small (SMALL) amount of it. This is not a diet I'm on, seriously, I'm just trying to have a healthier life. In the long run, if I meet that one-size-smaller goal, that'll be good but ultimately, I want to have more energy and just feel better.

I think if I post here more often that'll help me. The posts will likely be boring but that's okay. It's my blog and I can be boring if I want to!!

1 comment:

neca said...

Sounds like a good eating plan. Sometimes if I really want something, eating my healthy food from home plus a small 'treat' is a much better alternative than running to the cafeteria and buying a huge portion of something unhealthy!