Monday, July 11, 2005

happy monday

For the past two or three weeks, I've used LOG's illness, the hot and sticky weather and just about anything else I could think of as an excuse to get off of my routine.

Not only did I not exercise at all the past two weeks but I ate just about anything I felt like. I'd like to say that more often than not, I made good choices but that's just not true and I know it, I can feel it in my clothes and in the way my body is moving, or rather isn't moving. I feel tired and sore and generally gross and I want it to stop.

This morning, I got my ass out of bed and onto the recumbent. I was really sore and tired by the time I finished my interval program but I was pretty happy that I had gotten a little over 5 miles in. The program I did was 20 minutes long and I did some stretches before and after. The burning in my thighs was good for me though, I felt like I had actually accomplished something this morning. When I stepped on the scales, I really expected that I'd gained 20 pounds or so. I was up over the last time I checked it but it wasn't as horrible as I expected it to be.

Both my hunny and I have decided to ease back into our healthy regime. I'm going to use the exercise room in the mornings, I think he'll use it after work and we've both decided that we don't want to eat out again for a while. Ever since LOG got sick, we've either been eating out or grabbing take out. It's bad for our waistlines and bank balance, it's just an added expense that we really don't need. I think that the more you eat out, the less you enjoy it. If we do it less frequently, it'll feel more like a special occasion for us.

I've started tracking my food again today. Even if I don't stick to a strict number of calories at first, tracking always makes me eat better. I'm getting sick of restarting this thing over and over again but I guess restarting is better than quitting, here's hoping that this time next week, I'll have all kinds of good, healthy news to report.

It's been a couple of weeks since I've done one of these so I had better do it, sad as it may be. Here is my latest weekly wrap-up:
summary - week ending July 10
  • did not do any intentional exercise at all this week, the same can be said for the week before that too.
  • I took my vitamins 7 out of 7 days this week
  • exceeded daily water intake goal 7 out of 7 days
  • stepped back on the scales again this morning to discover that I'd gained 3 pounds in the past two weeks

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