Tuesday, July 12, 2005


I know that everyone is complaining about the heat but I think we're justified in our whining. It's freaking hot. It's like, inside of the oven hot. I can't remember when we had such a hot June and July is turning out to be even worse. I actually don't mind a hot day when there is a bit of a breeze, this sick, thick humidity stuff is gross though. When the weather is this hot and humid, my ankles have a tendency to swell. Last summer it happened a little bit, on the really bad days; this summer, the past couple of weeks anyway, it's been a regular thing. The only break I had from it was a couple of gorgeous, cool and breezy days we had in mid-June. This week, I'm making an effort to drink even more water than I usually do and be very careful about my sodium intake. It is helping a bit I think.

What helps even more is exercise. I think that part of what I'm seeing in the swelling going down is from my rides. This morning I rode my bike again, for 20 minutes again. It is not coming back easy and almost quit a whole bunch of times. I managed to force myself to stick with it, thank goodness I was watching a taped episode of South Park. If I wasn't laughing so hard I may have been tempted to quit after 10 minutes. I know it'll get easier as I go along, as long as I stick with it. It's hard though, reclaiming ground I thought that I would never have to break again. Remember earlier this year, when I was riding 8 miles in 30 minutes?? I'll get there again I know but it's a long haul. It's okay though, I'd rather be moaning about how hard it is for me to exercise than making excuses for not doing at all.

Slow and steady wins the race, right? Well, maybe finishes it, I don't need to win anything, just finish! I've said it many times and I know I'll say it again, it's all about the baby steps!!

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