Wednesday, July 13, 2005

too much

There is a such a thing as too much fruit. I think there is anyway because yesterday I may have overindulged. The transition from not giving a shit about what you eat to "being careful" can be tough on a body. Over the past few days, as I've been easing myself back into a more healthy routine, I've been eating a fair bit of gorgeous fresh fruit. I really love this time of the year but my stomach was slightly bothered yesterday. I wonder if it's a combination of too much fruit and drinking gallons of water? I basically had wicked bad heartburn. Today I have cut back on the fruit consumption a bit. Again, I think it's better, if you're going to have heartburn, to have it caused by fruit and not by let's say, barbecued ribs!

In other exciting news, I'm feeling really heavy and bloated right now. I know that this is partly because of the weather. It's still intensely hot here and the humidex is off the chart. My left foot is still pretty swollen but the right one is almost back to normal. My left heel is really bothering me. It's not bad when I'm at home wandering around in bare feet but when shoes go on, or I am getting up after sitting for a period at work, it's very sore. The pain can cause me to walk funny which makes my knee hurt a bit. Fun huh?? Today I'm wearing my doc marten sandals and they are helping in a big way. I hate that, when it's bothering me, this spur makes it almost impossible for me to wear cute shoes. The stupid thing was even bothering me while I rode this morning.

Oh yeah, I rode again this morning. That's three days in a row if you keep track of these things! Overall, even though the humidity is making me feel like a blob, I'm happy about my eating and exercise this week. Imagine how much more "blobby" I'd feel if I was off track! I'm hoping for a big storm to clear the air out. In the meantime, I'm just sucking on ice cubes and drinking lotsa water. Stay cool kids!

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