Friday, May 06, 2005

day 9 - t.g.i.f.

The week has gone by quickly but still, I'm happy to see the weekend arrive. I could use some more sleep. The cold symptoms keep rearing their ugly head and I'm tired of it. Both yesterday and today, I opted for an extra 30 minutes in bed over my workout. This morning when I got up with my hunny and sent him off to work, my head was completely stuffed and my throat was so sore that I had no voice. When he left, I crawled back under the comforter for 30 minutes and my voice was back when I woke up. The runny nose thing is driving me absolutely insane. If only my nose running would burn some calories, that would be great.

Cold symptoms aside, I'm feeling okay otherwise. A week of fairly virtuous eating has definitely helped. My big focus as far as eating go is that the good choices far outnumber the bad in a given week. This leaves me wiggle room for the odd "not so healthy" choice, so long as they are infrequent. For me, this helps me stay off the binge trail because I know that if I really crave some "forbidden fruit" (oh if only it were just fruit!?) I can let myself have it. Pure deprivation doesn't work for this girl.

Btw, on that note, I broke down and had a big, black coffee this morning (sooo good) and a warm blueberry muffin. I finally gave into that particular temptation and thoroughly enjoyed it (I also went for a little walk to make up for it, so it wasn't a total disaster). It was a really nice Friday morning treat.

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