Tuesday, November 15, 2005

blank page

I opened a browser and logged into blogger 30 minutes ago. In that time, I've looked at my stats page, hung out on flickr, read some blogs, eaten lunch and drank 12 oz of water. I don't know whether I'm bored or just boring but I couldn't think of anything to write here.

It's sad too because of all the writing I do these days, the stuff I do here helps me the most. I need the help. I feel huge and unmotivated this week. I don't know why that is. Things at work are settling down finally, I had a great weekend (although I ate too much on Saturday), we're getting projects completed around the house and that makes me feel good. As far as fitness goes, I'm allowing it to slide down on my list of priorities. I know I'm doing it, that's the worst part. The funk is getting worse people and I don't know what to do about it. I wore a pair of pants to work yesterday that were uncomfortable. Instead of using this as a motivator to go home and eat a healthy dinner, I put on an old pair of really baggy jeans and went out for dinner, to a Chinese buffet no less. I need my ass kicked, hard. I keep trying to do it myself but I lose my balance and fall over. It's a sad picture.

So I won't give myself the usual pep talk about how tomorrow I'll do better and that the good choices I make each day usually out number the bad (that's true today so far anyway). I won't because I know what I need to do I just don't want to hear myself say it again right now. I'm sure that you don't want to read it again either. It is boring and I am bored. Huh, weird. I guess I knew it all along.

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