Thursday, December 29, 2005


There is absolutely nothing like feeling like total crap to make you appreciate how great "normal" feels.

My body ache is gone, the nausea is gone, all that remains is a slight head ache and I'm having a cup of coffee at the moment which seems to be taking care of that.

I don't know what happened yesterday but I'm glad that it seems to be out of my system. Today, we have our handy-person coming to the house to work on a few projects. He was supposed to be here yesterday but he too had the flu / sickness and never arrived. If he doesn't show up today I won't be heart broken. Just in case he does though, I should scurry off and grab a shower.

Today I plan to do nothing but read and maybe watch some movies. You have no idea how good I feel right now, none!! Life is good, truly!!

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