Friday, December 09, 2005

I've fallen....

...into the snow!!! Not really but I totally felt like falling into the snow and making angels this morning. Anything to avoid the office.

Today was one of those tough was stormy in the morning, sunny in the afternoon, it's Friday, and almost everyone else was off today. Talk about hard to concentrate. Despite that, I managed to get some stuff done. I even did some outdoors aerobic exercise (ie shoveling) this morning before I got to the office. Yay me!!

The past few days have been kind of busy, hence the lack of posts. Fear not gentle reader, I'm still keeping more or less to my pre-holiday plan. I'll probably try to write more about the weight-loss efforts over the weekend. Really, today, I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here and, if you're looking for "news," I've been updating over at my other blog.

Happy weekend folks!!

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