Wednesday, February 23, 2005

day 52 - icky

I've felt like a wet dishrag all day today. Last night, after dinner, I was sick to my stomach, off and on for about an hour. After that ended, my period arrived. I literally crawled into bed and didn't move until the alarm went off at 4:21 a.m. Getting up and moving around was much easier this morning than it had been last evening and eventually I got on my bike and rode. I felt like I was going slow but I hit 7.41 miles today. After the ride, I actually felt like a human being again and decided to go into work. I'm still feeling really weak and sore from being sick. I'm not moving too quickly today but I'm here getting stuff done so that's something.

There isn't much to report other than that (and that's not really exciting, I know). One note on food, bringing extra stuff to snack on is making a big difference at work this week. So far I've been able to successfully avoid tempting treats. Why in the world there is so much chocolate floating around this building is beyond me.

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