Thursday, February 24, 2005

day 53 - I can't believe I'm at work

The past couple of days have been just brutal. Whatever bug I picked up, combined with getting my period, has wiped me right out. Last night, my hunny wanted to out for dinner so we did. By the time we got to the restaurant I was feeling a bit better. By the time we were thinking about leaving I felt like I'd been hit by a truck again. All night I felt terrible, I had very bad cramps but they were way more than normal "hey it's that time of the month" cramps. I can't tell you how many ibuprofen I took yesterday. I woke up in the middle of the night, in pain, and had to take more drugs. I seriously did not want to come into work but I had to (my mum and dad were dropping off some plants from her greenhouse for the office and we'd been trying to arrange this for 2 months). I feel like I'm feverish but fortunately, I don't have any meetings this afternoon so I can just hide out in my desk.

My eating has been very little today but I am eating. Exercise did not happen. When I finally dragged my ass out of bed, I pulled my workout gear on and went downstairs but couldn't do it. I stared at the bike, at my weights and other stuff and could not do anything, I felt that weak. Sometimes, I feel crummy and know that if I do some exercise, I will feel better, there are other times when I know if I do, I won't. This was one of those other times.

Right now, I'm hanging in there and am counting the minutes until 4:30 rolls around.

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