Friday, December 10, 2004

day 40 - clementines and ice

One of my favourite things about this particular time of the year, is the appearance of clementines in the stores. They are gorgeous, handy and yummy. I've been eating a lot of them just recently. They are handy because I can eat them on the go. I've been on the go a lot this week. My work schedule is all topsy turvy and I'm now working during the days I had booked off for next week. It's okay though, I'll be off that whole week before Christmas so I'm happy about that.

We've had another freezing rain storm over night last night. The world looks like a big skating rink right now. We're supposed to get hit with heavy snow soon, tonight I think. No fun. Fortunately, I think we're stocked up with groceries at home and I know that I have everything I need to get my holiday baking started. If we end up getting snowed in, I'll have lots of stuff to keep me busy.

My big challenge this weekend will be to not eat what I'm baking. Wish me luck folks!!

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