Monday, December 20, 2004

day 50 - cold snap

It was so cold this morning that we blew two tires. It was sort of a combination of the cold (it was minus 26!), the tires coming to the end of their natural lives and aluminum rims. Fortunately, it happened just up the street from here. I hate to think what might have happened if it happened on the highway.

I'm feeling a bit better today. The very dry, bitter cold seems to have helped clear my head a smidgen. In a little while I plan to go out and finish up the last little bit of shopping I need to do for the holidays. It shouldn't take too long, hopefully.

What I didn't write about on the weekend was Friday. Oh my goodness, can you say "big time wash out"? After four days of grabbing food on the run, no breaks, packing, moving furniture and basically running around like headless chickens, Friday was practically blissful. Our whole team ended up working together in a big old meeting room, laptops covering a huge, antique board table. It was so refreshing to be able to get some work done after the chaotic week we'd all been through.

Actually accomplishing stuff was nice but boy howdy, you should have seen the food. Our bosses bought us lunch (pizza), a coworker brought back freshly made nachos and salsa from the Lone Star. Two boxes of hand made truffles were plunked in the middle of the table. Basically, it was a nightmare. I shouldn't say that because honestly, it was delicious. I very much enjoyed it. Now, I did drink my water and a few clementines but really, it was a junky day. I really should have definitely resisted, I know this and I didn't.

Unfortunately, because I was feeling lousy with my cold, I let that slip-up carry over into the weekend. I haven't tracked what I've eaten through Fitday in a few days now and I wouldn't want to, if I'm totally honest. At some point this week, I probably will but, at the moment, I don't want to make myself feel that bad.

On the upside, I have not any alcoholic beverages and have been drinking a lot (and I mean a lot) of water since I've been home. Thank goodness for small favours huh? Anyway, it's time to go bundle up and get out to the mall. I really really want to be finished with this shopping nonsense, today!

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