Thursday, December 30, 2004

day 59 - running around

I am totally pooped. We were on the run from about 7:30 a.m. I took my hunny to work but he didn't have to work (news to us) so we set off to do errands together. I never thought for the life of me that it would take us most of the day but it did and they are done. We got groceries, did some computer parts shopping, fixed my mum's computer, got more groceries at a different store, did banking, cashed in winning lotto tickets, picked up the LOG's prescriptions and in the middle of all of that, had lunch along the way.

LOG is feeling crappy. He has the same thing that we had earlier in the week but it's hitting him way harder than it did us. I'm not really surprised that it's beating him up so badly. It's a very nasty bug and it was so hard on us, I can't imagine how terrible he must be feeling, being almost 80 and all. He's been in bed all day (and most of yesterday) but is feeling better tonight (thank goodness!!).

While we were out, I picked up a four DVD set (with resistance bands) for Winsor Pilates. It is called the "Power Sculpting with Resistance Kit." I've never done pilates before but have heard good things about this set. I thought that in addition to the cardio and weights that I do in the mornings, it might be nice to have something I can do a few evenings a week, upstairs in my room. My hunny said he'd try it too so we'll see. Hopefully it'll be easy for me to figure out. I still haven't heard yet if we're going to be able to purchase discounted gym memberships at Good Life yet (through work) so I thought that this might be something cool/different to try in the meantime.

Tomorrow I hope to post some kind of year-end wrap-up. I cannot seriously believe that it's almost 2005!!

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