Wednesday, April 14, 2004

ups and downs

So yesterday was going to be a perfectly on plan day, all day, remember? I got up early, I exercised, I ate well all day? Well, all went well until after dinner. After we dropped the little old guy off, we went to Costco to pick up a few things that we needed. Somehow, M&M's cookies got into the basket and, when we got home, we ate a whole bunch of them. I guess it was "justified" as I hadn't baked a cake or anything for my hunny's birthday (it's today -- we were out celebrating with his dad last night). I don't know why it happened. I mean, I wasn't hungry, wasn't really craving anything in particular (we'd had a fabulous dinner) so there is no good reason for it.

When I got up this morning, I was afraid to hop on the scale. When I weighed in on the weekend, I was up a couple of pounds. I figured that by this morning, I'd be up over 10 pounds. I stood on the scale with my eyes closed tightly. Eventually I looked down and saw that I was down to my pre-weekend gain weight. How the hell does stuff like that happen? My rings are almost falling me off today too. It's very odd. I must have eaten 5 cookies last night. How did show a loss this morning?? This afternoon I go for my monthly check in with my doctor. It should be interesting to see what her scales say. Yikes, what a week.

I'm back on track today though. I had a good workout this morning and so far today, I've been eating really well. I plan to keep it up for the rest of the day. I may have to smash up and throw out the rest of those damned (but delicious) cookies when I get home.

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