Saturday, October 23, 2004

checking in

Just popping in on the fly. The past couple of days have been completely insane. I didn't get home from work until 10 p.m. last night and I'm heading back in right now. As soon as I finish up later today, we're heading out of town.

It's been a bit of an eating fest around here the past couple of days. Lack of routine really breeds crap eating. Yesterday, I had my typical healthy breakfast but didn't bring my lunch because I had plans with a friend to grab something while we were on a break. No problem, I had a great pita for lunch. I was totally full and it was really a good, healthy option for me. Unfortunately, part of the food service for the event I was working at, was in the room we were in. We were surrounded by tiny chocolate bars, brownies, cookies, etc. I tried to stick to the raw veggies but eventually I gave in and had to have some chocolate. I'm a weak, weak woman. Oh, did I mention that they fed us pizza for dinner? It could always be worse I suppose. At least I wasn't drinking on top of it all, like most of the folks were.

Anyway, I'm outta here for a couple of days. Hopefully I'll be stronger today than I was yesterday. *fingers crossed*

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