Friday, October 08, 2004

kinds of busy

You know that good kind of busy, the kind where the time is flying and you're getting stuff done? That always feels good, to me anyway. This week has been that bad kind of busy. The time is flying but you never get anything done. You're scattered, disorganized, frustrated and upset. Not good at all.

Even though this has been on of the busiest, most stressful weeks I've had at work in a while, I've been doing very well at keeping things together. Even though I was pretty tired this morning, I worked out. My food consumption has been good and I'm looking forward to the weekend. I'm not worried about over-indulging on Thanksgiving or giving in to weekend treats. It won't happen, I won't let it! Somehow, all this insanity that has been swirling around me, has helped me to dig my heels in and just stick to it.

Who knew that good stuff could come out of crap??

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