Sunday, December 07, 2003

Day 12 and 13

It's odd that I did not post anything for a couple of days but I wasn't in front of the computer much. Last week was a blur for me. Work has been kind of insane and as I've written recently, there's a lot of stuff happening all at once and it's been difficult for me to concentrate. Over the past few weeks, I've been posting in the evenings, rather than at lunch time like I had been doing. The past few days though, by the time I'd get to the machine, my brain would be mushy and I couldn't write. Not that there was much to write about anyway.

The past 2 mornings, we've slept in and it's been great. Yesterday I stayed home and did some cleaning and sorting out. I got the whole house clean and a major dent into some papers that had been piling up in our office. To de-clutter the place has made me feel better. Also, it's been very cold here recently and the sun's been shining brightly for the past two days. The rest and the sunshine have gone a long way to making me feel better.

Friday morning (day 12), I did exercise and my eating was okay. I have to say, sitting here on Sunday morning, I can't really remember much of the day at all. Yesterday (day 13) was my normal break day. I didn't workout but I did do a lot of physical work, cleaning, hauling stuff up and down stairs, that kind of thing. My eating wasn't so great yesterday but it wasn't horrible. I'm sure that today will be much better because I'm feeling stronger and more rested. I also forgot to weigh-in yesterday so I'll have to do that today.

As I said, the days are just fuzzy for me right now and I can not remember ever looking so forward to a vacation and I am to mine.

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