Saturday, January 10, 2004

Weekend Warriors Unite!!

Day 6 and everything's fabulous!! So far the weekend is going really well. My hunny was home today so we were busy all morning, running the roads, doing errands and what not. We ended up having breakfast out yesterday. I had an excellent meal that was really good, calorie-wise. Because we had breakfast kind of late, we didn't have lunch but I found that the meal was enough to satisfy me for most of the day. At one point in the afternoon I had a banana and that carried me through until 7:30 when we had dinner. I generally take Saturday as a break day from my regular workout day and yesterday was no exception. We did have a nice walk though. It was cold out (really really cold) but we were bundled up and the sun was shining so it was really invigorating to be outside.

So, eating was great, totally on plan. Got some exercise even though it was break day and I feel great. Our internet connection has been wonky today (hence the lateness of this post) but our ISP tells me that it's just down to the cold. I'm feeling really strong, healthy and happy today. I have this goofy smile on my face and I cannot remember the last time I felt so good. Oh, by the way, I've stopped taking the mild anti-depressants I began back in November. My doctor told me to just take them when I had trouble sleeping, when I felt I needed one. I didn't take one last night and I had no problem at all sleeping, in fact, I had a great sleep. I'm working at getting any unnecessary chemicals out of my system so this is a big step for me. I'm not sure that I'll be able to stop taking them entirely but I'm going to try. Now that I'm not letting myself get all bent out of shape over my job, I shouldn't need them anymore. Here's hoping anyway!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!!

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