Thursday, March 17, 2005

day 74 - nothing in particular

I can't think of anything to talk about today. That's not exactly true I guess. One can write about not having anything to write about, it's just not particularly interesting.

I'm feeling a lot better today than I have all week. If I can stop myself from making too many lists, I'll be just fine. Whether we sell our place or not, we want to get started on the big clean up, sort out, paint and whatnot project. I also want to meet with our bank manager before we get too far into this whole thing. When we bought our home, we got pre-approved for our mortgage so we knew exactly how much we could pay for a house. Right now, we're just ball-parking it based on what is left on our current mortgage and what we think we can get for our house (minus the lawyer, the real estate agent, the inspector and everyone else who gets to make some money from this).

Honestly, all of this house stuff is just making want to run, screaming, into the easter candy aisle at the grocery store. Luckily, I have been able to avoid the grocery store the past couple of days. I keep asking myself, "why did we start this discussion when I'm smack in the middle of PMS?" There is no good answer for that, other than that I am stupid. Hopefully, this stupid girl will be smart enough to keep herself away from the chocolate sponge bob's when she goes out after work to stock up on bananas and carrots. Ugh!

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