Thursday, September 18, 2003

Work is still quite insanely busy. In a couple of weeks, this will be over with for another year but in the meantime, it's just down-right nutty. It's throwing my routine off slightly too. If I work a little late, our evening meal gets pushed back a bit and we get to bed later than normal. This is causing me to have a tough time getting up in the mornings but I'm making myself do it and I'm working out every morning. If I wasn't working out, I don't know what I'd do, I'd probably be completely insane by now.

Eating's not been great this week. I've been working through lunch and forgetting to eat. Skipping meals is not something that I've done since I've started this program. I really try to avoid missing meals because, by the time I get home, I'm famished so I'm eating larger meals in the evening than I normally would. I'm not stressing myself out too much about the eating too much in the evenings right now because a) I'm still exercising, every day and b) in two weeks this will be over and my normal routine will be established.

I've learned that routine is the most important thing for my program. Once the routine gets thrown, everything could potentially fly out the window after it. This is why I don't let the odd blip here and there discourage me too much. Sometimes life gets crazy, the routine gets rattled and you can't be "perfectly on program" at all times. That's okay, as long as I stay as close to routine as I can. Afterall, I'm only human.

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