Wednesday, February 11, 2004

hump day blues

Well, not the blues so much as the blahs I guess.

I wish that I had something really super exciting to post today but I don't. Sorry, I'm boring, what can I say?

We did end up going out for dinner last night with out little old guy. We had Chinese and there was so many nice veggie and chicken dishes that it wasn't hard at all staying on plan. After dinner, we stopped at Costco to stock up on veggies for home and I managed to avoid the M&M cookies again. I'm not sure what it is exactly about them that keeps calling my name. It's really difficult to stop and pick them up but I did it.

I would have given anything to have stayed in bed again this morning. I wish I understood what was happening but I just don't feel like I can get enough sleep lately. It's been since I was sick a couple of weeks ago actually. My appetite is raging all the time too. I did get up though, I did exercise and I did have a healthy breakfast. I know that sleeping in, skipping my workout and eating something fattening for breakfast would have just made me feel bad so I'm glad that I didn't.

This afternoon I go back to the doctor for my monthly check in with her. She's always really supportive and encouraging so I always feel good after my appointments with her. So, like I said, no news. They do say (whoever "they" are) that "no news is good news." I guess on a blah day like this, that's true.

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