Sunday, February 22, 2004


Well Friday was a much better day than the rest of the week. Instead of being in and out of meetings, I was actually able to accomplish some stuff. Everyone's still a little antsy about all of the changes but I was able to get some of my big questions answered. I was totally exhausted by the time I got home from work and could hardly keep my eyes open all evening. I was awake again in the middle of the night though. I was up and sitting in front of the computer from 2 to 3 a.m. I did go back to bed though and even had a nap yesterday morning for a bit. I'm feeling much better about things generally. Last night I slept the whole night through so that's something. It was actually surprising to wake up this morning and see 5:15 a.m. on the clock and know that I'd not been up and down all night. I'm really relieved that my brain has finally stopped running in overdrive about this reorg thing. It wasn't doing me or anyone else any good at all.

Saturdays are generally my rest day so I didn't workout yesterday. I didn't do much of anything truth be told. I didn't even get into the shower until like 6 p.m. Today's been better so far and the sun is actually shining so I think we'll be doing some errands and general running around today. Hope you all have a nice, relaxing Sunday!!

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