Tuesday, February 24, 2004

it's tuesday, I've got cramps!

I wish that I had the energy and wit to write something really cool and funny tonight. I don't know when things are going to normalize at work again. I'm working at not bringing it home with me but I'm still not sleeping great. Tonight I plan to leave the bedroom window wide open and am hoping that the cool air will help me sleep better. I really don't want to start taking those pills I got from the doctor in October again but I suppose I will tomorrow if I don't sleep better tonight.

TOM started with a vengeance today too so that didn't help much. I did exercise this morning though and I'm pretty proud of myself for that. I woke up with terrible cramps and sat on the edge of the bed for the longest time, trying to convince myself that exercise would make me feel worse and that an extra hour in bed would be much much better. Hah! Calmer heads prevailed and I got up and exercised. As I truly knew I would, I felt much much better when I was finished.

At lunchtime, I met a couple of friends for a bite and we walked around a little bit (sort of took a convoluted way to get to where we were going) and it was nice to get out of the office and away from the chaos for a bit. Now that it seems like the nicer weather is here (touch wood) I'm going to try to break up my day that way every day. Admittedly, I don't do that sort of thing when the weather is nasty.

I think I'm going to toddle off to bed now. I should have enough aleve in me to knock me out (and push the cramps away) for a bit. 'night all!!

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