Wednesday, November 10, 2004

day 10 - simple solutions

Just recently, I've been under a lot of stress. The stress not only makes me eat, it causes me to eat total crap. It's got to stop!! Now, I know that we all have a lot of stress to deal with on a regular basis but lately, it's like everything is going to shit, all at the same time. I know that this is why I've been falling off the wagon so often and I know that only I can sort myself out and get back on track.

That said, I'm taking, I think, a practical approach to this problem. I'm going to eat more. What?? Eat MORE? Yes, eat more, but eat more healthy stuff. I figure if it eat more stuff that is good for me, I won't go looking for junk when I start feeling stressed. Today, for example, remembering the muffin fiasco from yesterday, I took an extra piece of fruit with me to work. Around the time yesterday that I was jonesing for something to eat, instead of heading off for a walk in search of something bad, I had the banana.

Also, I need to figure out a way to let go of things. I'm just letting too many things bother me and it's not necessary. There are things at home and at work that upset me, on a regular basis and I must find a way to not let it happen so much. It's not like I don't want to care about anything, I just don't want to care so much that when things don't happen exactly the way I thought that they should, I get upset. That's just dumb.

Anyway, I'm taking Friday off. Tomorrow night we're going out of town for a show. We'll be home later that night but it'll be late so I figured I'd sleep in and enjoy a lazy day. I actually have a bunch of vacation time that I need to take by the end of the calendar year so I'll be having a lot of long weekends for the next little while. That should help, it's got to!!

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