Thursday, November 25, 2004

day 25 - balancing act

Today, as my sisters to the south struggle with turkey and all the goodies that come with it, I'm having a not-so-bad day today. I keep giving myself the same old pep talk every day and it's beginning to sink in again. Something is definitely clicking, I'm not feeling "hard done by" today and I haven't eaten any more than I normally do.

One thing that was hit and miss over the past couple of weeks was keeping fitday up to date. This week I've made a definite effort to keep track of what I'm eating, an honest accounting of every calorie. Logging my food is such a valuable exercise for me. It helps me make better choices and forces me to look at patterns in bad behaviors. Pie charts can't lie, can they?

Exercise-wise, it's not been as active a week as I would have liked but I really have been feeling under the weather. I know it's just stress from work combined with PMS that is lowering my immune system. Today feels like I may just win this battle I've been fighting with a head cold this week. This isn't an excuse, it's a fact. If I can keep my eating under control, the exercise will come back, full-force, in the next couple of days.

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