Sunday, November 21, 2004

day 21 - how much water can a body retain?

I'm not going to say much today. I feel pretty shitty actually. Finally, this morning, I stepped on the scale this morning. I was not at all happy with what I saw. I know that I'm bound to be retaining fluid due to my cycle but holy crap, how much water can I be holding onto?

Last week, admittedly, was not great. I did not exercise as much as I should/could have. I ate more food than my body needed (that's sooo obvious). Oh, did I mention that I was really low on my water intake last week? Yeah, it was definitely, "not great." Next week will be better. I won't tell you how much of an increase I saw on the scale this morning but it depressed me enough to make me (me!!?) lose my appetite and watch a documentary on Obesity and the Biggest Loser (both of which I had TiVo'd). I literally ate one meal today, dinner. I couldn't face any food, except for a coffee this morning, after seeing the number on the scale. I know that not eating is bad but I just couldn't face food.

I'm sickened with myself and need to get my shit together starting right now. No more excuses, no more "I'm stressed," no more bullshit. Starting right now, I'm back on track, 100%.

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