Sunday, November 07, 2004

Day 7 - kick me, please

I cannot get my ass in gear. Right now I'm just feeling tired. The weekend has been far busier than I would have like it to be and I'm all out of sync. The past few days have been very weird on this whole wellness-journey thing. Either I'm doing okay because I'm white-knuckling things or I'm off the wagon. I've kept up with some form or another of exercise but eating is all over the place.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't know what was causing it. I know that it's stress. I have stress at work and at home and I'm getting sick of it. It causes my resistance to be low. So low that I listen to my inner fat girl instead of my inner thin girl and I make bad choices. Fortunately, I guess, the bad choices are never as bad as they were back in the "old days" and more often than not I'm making better choices. Unfortunately, there have been way more bad choices just recently than I'm happy about.

On the up side, I'm down .5 pounds since last week. Not great but I'll take it. In addition to that, I have one other piece of not negative news to report. Yesterday, I had to help my mum out with a sale at her church. The woman who was running the book table kept trying to lure me into buying something. All I could see out on display were crappy looking romance novels and I wasn't interested in those. At one point in the afternoon though, I saw a copy of Dr Phil's Ultimate Weight Solution Food Guide peeking out of a box. I ran over, scooped it up and paid a dollar for it. Cool huh?? Now I just have to read it. I should also re-read the Weight Solution book too. I need something to help me get back on track.

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