Wednesday, November 17, 2004

day 17 - busy bee

It's suddenly become very warm here. So warm in fact, that tonight when we pulled into our driveway, a moth was fluttering in the glow in the headlights. Very weird.

Work was insanely busy again today. Again I worked straight through lunch (although I did eat while I worked). I had to start about an hour later than normal because I went for a dentist appointment first thing. So far this week, I have more than made up for that hour. The pace is unbelievably insane right now. I'm happy to report though that things should get a smidgen more manageable soon. Since the summer, I've been carrying the workload of about 1.5 very very busy people. That 0.5 very busy person will hopefully be gone by next week. I'm scheduled to hand off much of the extra work to 2 coworkers. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we can coordinate things sooner rather than later.

Because of my appointment and whatnot, I didn't get in a proper workout this morning. I did get some walking in today though and goodness knows I spent a huge chunk of my day running up and down stairs so that definitely counts toward it. So far this week, things are going pretty okay. Despite the pace at work I'm feeling much better this week than I did last week and that makes me happy. I'm constantly amazed at how much we take "normal" for granted and how good it feels to return to those normal feelings when we've been off kilter.

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