Thursday, January 06, 2005

day 4 - an anniversary

Two years ago today, January 6, I officially started my journey to fitness and health.

As I sit here, munching on baby carrots while a large bowl full of a co-worker's leftover holiday candy sits 2 feet away from me I've been thinking about the last two years. In the beginning, the journey was difficult but the quick results I saw (which inevitably happen when you have as much weight to lose as I do) kept me motivated. I lost 76 pounds that first year. Last year, I probably lost 76 pounds, likely more. Unfortunately, by the time the year was up, I'd ended up gaining back 16 of those pounds.

2004 was full of many different types and levels of stress and I can make excuses until the skinny cows come home but the bottom line is that I got lazy. I kept up the exercise part of the program, more or less, but my eating was bad. It never got as bad as it was "in the old days" (thankfully) but it was not good. I hate to think what would have happened if I had not formed the exercise habit. I definitely would have gained back every ounce I lost, probably plus some.

It's hard to believe that I've been at this for 2 years now and I'm still fat. When I first began, I honestly thought that I'd be at my goal weight by now. I'm working on it, again, still, forever I expect. I don't expect to weigh this much forever but, practically, I know that I will have be mindful of everything I put into my mouth for the rest of my life or I'll end up back where I started.

On an up note, I'm through with dwelling on what I didn't do last year and I'm seriously working on what I can do. It's day four of being on plan and exercising every morning and I'm feeling better for it.

Oh, also, with some assistance from my hunny and a screw gun, I was able to get my recumbent bike fixed last night and it's working like a dream again! If I hadn't been able to get it fixed I'd have been hoofing it outside. Right now, it's snowing so hard that I cannot see the building across the street. I'm really glad that I don't have to get my exercise outside. Not today anyway.

Drive safely everyone, please.

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