Monday, January 31, 2005

day 29 - I get weak

Well it was the "weak-end" so I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later. Honestly, I felt so gross last night, I was pretty disgusted with myself. Friday, I was off and kept really busy. I stayed on plan, worked out, felt pretty good. Saturday and Sunday were another matter entirely. Overall, I made more good choices than bad but the bad ones included: too many tootsie rolls, garlic bread with cheese with Saturday night's dinner, leftover pizza for breakfast and popcorn and a diet coke at the movies for lunch yesterday. I plain old ate too much fat and didn't get enough fresh food into me over the weekend. On the good side, I managed to go for a walk on Sunday as well as take my vitamins and drink my water at the same time so it wasn't a total write-off. I felt quite bloated last night. Imagine how I would have felt had I not kept the water thing up.

Partly I think I felt sorry for myself for just maintaining this week. Given how sick I felt, that I was going through TOM, that we had pizza for dinner one night, how did I honestly think that I would show a loss?? Today I'm feeling stronger. I worked out this morning and ate my healthy breakfast and am nibbling at my lunch right now. The important thing for me is to learn from the mistakes I made over the weekend. I have to keep reminding myself that being sick and tired is not an excuse to over-indulge in things I know aren't good for me.

So, here it is, Monday again. Here's my latest wrap-up:
summary - week 4
  • fell off the wagon slightly over the weekend
  • ate too many fatty foods last week
  • increased the number of miles I pedalled from a little over 25 per week to a little over 28 this week.
  • took my vitamins every single day, even over the weekend
  • met daily calorie intake goal, Monday to Friday
  • met daily water intake goal 7 out of 7 days
  • intentionally exercised 6 out of 7 days
  • didn't show a gain or loss this week. I maintained my 14 pound loss since my restart earlier this month

On a final note, thanks to Shannin for this:

I am going to die at 82. When are you? Click here to find out!

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