Thursday, October 16, 2003

gas attack is back

Or rather was, last night. I'd not had one for a while but I think that stress and flat diet coke got the better of me last night. I was up almost all night with gas pains. Fortunately, they finally went away around 3 a.m. Unfortunately, I get up at 5 a.m. This morning, I slept in 'til almost 7 a.m. and did not work out. I've felt a little nauseous all day and haven't eaten much. I am really pooped though so I'll be having an early night. I vow to work out tomorrow morning, come hell or high water. I'm off from work tomorrow so it'll be easy to do that and sleep in a little bit.

Yesterday, I totally missed the Wednesday Weigh-In so I'm weighing-in on Thursday instead:

On a scale of 1 to 10, how knowledgeable would you rate yourself on the health and fitness scale? If you rate yourself on the low end, what are you doing to learn more? If you rate yourself highly, how did you get there?

I would rate myself somewhere in the middle.

I read about health and fitness constantly. Very little of what I read is old news to me. I'm really fascinated by some of the new studies that are coming out and I'm always happy to hear about new techniques for exercises. I figure that the more I learn, the better equipped I am to carry on with this program for the rest of my life.

I never used to spend much time reading or watching health news items but I'm always interested nowadays. I'd say that I have obtained a fair bit of health and fitness knowledge but I know that there is still a lot of stuff out there for me to learn. I'm sure that I'll never stop learning!!

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