Monday, November 10, 2003

Happy Monday

Work is very busy this week. I'm feeling a little stressed and have had a headache all day. I just took an aleve and am going to eat my lunch soon. Hopefully that will get rid of it. I slept in pretty late this morning on top of it. I just could not get out of bed. I had a tough time sleeping on Saturday night for some reason. I lay in bed with my eyes wide open for the longest time. When I could sleep, I dreamt. It was odd. Last night, it took me a while to get to sleep and when I finally did, the weird dreams started up again. I'm not sure what it all meant but I'm pretty pooped today. On an up note, my ankle seems to be better. Other than the headache and the tired, I still feel better than I did last week, overall.

Over the past few weekends, I've been managing to not do any exercise at all. This past weekend, I actually did something on Saturday. Yesterday, for many reasons, was a write-off. I think it was the lack of sleep. My energy was just drained and I didn't really do much. I mean, I finished up my housework and got started on the Christmas craft projects but other than that, I didn't move. I had 5 weeks worth of new Will & Grace's on tape so we vegged out on the sofa and laughed our butts off in the afternoon.

I also will fess up to a fair bit of snacking over the weekend. I should keep busier, I should get more rest. Being tired and unoccupied make me wander through the kitchen more often than I should. Fortunately, next weekend, I'm working and I'm out of town so that will help keep me on track. During the week I do okay but the weekends are brutally difficult. Hopefully, once this week is out of the way, work will get back to a normal pace until the Christmas break. If I can keep myself on plan over the next 5 weeks, I should be in good shape for the actual holidays (crosses fingers), here's hoping anyway!

On a positive note, I did put more miles than normal on my bike last week AND I was able to increase my water intake last week so, go me!!

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