Friday, November 07, 2003

scale whore-esque

I've been jumping on the scale a lot this week (a la Trish). I shouldn't do it, I know, but I have been. It's not moving and it's pissing me off. It shouldn't piss me off, I know this. My "official" weigh-in day is Saturday but I wanted to see some movement this week. I think I'm expecting to see movement because I feel thinner this week. I think that when I see myself in the mirror, I look thinner. My clothes certainly feel bigger.

I'm feeling much better today than I have all week. I had a fabulous workout this morning and actually got up over 7 miles on my bike (just barely) this morning. I feel strong and healthier than I have in a while. It's a good feeling.

I almost sprained my ankle and wrist this morning at work. I was running down our back staircase on my way to the water cooler to refill my bottle. As I hit the bottom of the stairs, my right foot turned over slightly and I fell into the edge of open door. I scraped my knuckles and my wrist and ankle are a little sore right now but other than that I'm okay. I came very close to totally wiping out though, it could have been nasty (but it wasn't!). It woke me up though, wow, I don't want to do that too often!

Oh, by the way, the "best before" date on my yogurt is now December 13. How disgustingly close to Christmas is that?!??

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