Monday, September 06, 2004

back to school

To say that the students are back is understatement. They have returned, with a vengeance!! Just like in the movies. They are everywhere and they have brought lots of crap with them. After dinner tonight we took a ride through the ghetto aka the "student village" and it's a madhouse down there. Bodies everywhere, garbage all over the streets. It's basically a mess all around the university. In a couple of weeks it'll settle down to a more organized type of chaos but right now, it's pretty gross.

The weekend was good. It was actually a little boring but okay. My hunny had to work all weekend which was good (as far the money goes) but it made for a bit of a draggy weekend for me. I mean, on Saturday and yesterday I got a lot of stuff done around the house but, by today, I had done as much as I could (without kicking LOG out of the house, totally ripping the place apart and painting -- which, trust me, I would have SOooooo loved to do). I have two days scheduled off next week but I'm going to cancel them. Again, my hunny will be working and I cannot spend another long weekend in this house with LOG without killing him. We're getting along and all, don't get me wrong, I just can't do any big projects with him around because it disrupts his routine (and by routine I mean, schedule for watching the Game Show Network). I'm writing it here, for all to see, for all posterity, when I am 79, I give you all permission to kick my ass good and hard if I do nothing but sit in front of the television all day and watch programming that is an insult to humanity. Honestly, how he can watch it is beyond me. I suppose I that I could take the days and make an attempt at some of the yardwork I've been putting off all summer but I'd rather wait until I can wrangle some help from my better-half, especially for the heavier type of work.

Tomorrow, I'm back to work and back into that much loved routine I write about so often. I'm looking forward to it. Over the last couple of weeks, I allowed myself to get way too stressed out by the workload. On Friday afternoon, I figured out a good method for relaxing myself and coping with it better and it seems to have worked. I just stopped everything I was doing and made a list of everything I needed to do. By the time I left the office, I had 1/2 of the items crossed off the list and felt really ready for the break. Only 2 hours earlier I'd felt like I was going to have a break down or something. Never underestimate the power of the pen, huh?? So, new school year, new attitude, old routine: tomorrow is shaping up to be a good day for me. If you can spare a couple of fingers, could you keep 'em crossed for me?

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