Tuesday, September 28, 2004

I'm back

Actually, I never left I just haven't spent much time in front of the computer the past few days. I'm still here, I'm just not feeling particularly fabulous at the moment. On Saturday, I went to a get-together with my work-girlfriends. I was the DD and had to round up my posse early because I was feeling really tired and couldn't wait to get home. Now, I'm normally up with the birds on the weekend (before the birds through the week) but Sunday morning, I slept in until 11 a.m.!! When I finally did get up and we went out to do a few errands I felt terrible.

Yesterday, I couldn't drag my butt into the office at all and slept the best part of the day away. Last night I didn't sleep so well but I felt better this morning than I have in a couple of days so I'm at work. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow, right now, I'm not so hot.

Exercise-wise, on Saturday and Sunday, I did do some walking outside and then today, I actually worked out this morning. It wasn't the world's greatest workout but I did move and sweat and I'm pretty pleased about that.

I actually forgot to weigh-in on Saturday so I'm not sure where I'm at right now. Guess I'll find out this weekend. Hopefully it won't be too bad. *fingers crossed*

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