Monday, January 27, 2003

What a day. It wasn't bad until a couple of hours ago. I had an okay day at work, pretty busy what with it being Monday and all. I had my usual breakfast and lunch. I'm keeping with the piece of fruit for mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack thing. It seems to be really working well. It's totally keeping my appetite under control. After work though, we had to go grocery shopping. Because we had a huge snow storm over the weekend, the roads are still a little sloppy so we didn't go to the store we usually go to, we went to the one which was closer to our house. They are both Loblaws stores but the one outside of the city is much nicer than the one near our house. Anyway, it was kind of busy and full of really stupid people and by the time we were leaving I was really anxious to get home. I could feel PMS hitting me, full-force. By the time we got home and I put the groceries away, I was completely exhausted and on the verge of tears. I know you ladies all know what that's like, it's not because you're sad, it's because you feel frustrated for no apparent reason, and angry at the's so pleasant!

Anyway, I finally got to change into some comfy clothes and veg out in front of the computer for a bit, and chilled out. Neither one of us felt like cooking tonight so we had frozen pizza for dinner. It was one of those President's Choice "too good to be true" lactose & cholestrol free roasted veggie pizzas. It was okay, it had a whole wheat crust on it and some nice veggies but the sauce didn't taste like anything, it could have totally used some roasted garlic and maybe some rosemary.

After dinner, I was craving PMS I broke down, and for the first time in over 3 weeks, I had a piece of chocolate. Not a bar, not a box, just one piece. I had received a box of Godiva's for Christmas and had tucked them away in the back of the cupboard. Until tonight, I had completely forgotten about them. I opened up the box and allowed myself one piece. It was delicious, and I did not go over my calories today (in fact, I stayed under!) and it has soothed my hormones...I don't know if that is true or not, physiologically I'm not entirely sure that chocolate can do that ;-) It did make me feel better though, in control. I had a craving, and I fed it, in a reasonable way and it's over. I didn't go nuts and eat a large cadbury dairy milk, I had one small chocolate. Now it was very good, expensive chocolate, and I hadn't had one in a month. That's probably why it tasted so good. I'm quite proud of myself for that. I'd feel better about myself if I had gotten off my but and rode my bike today but I didn't. Tomorrow is another day though and I'm going to ride my bike. I'm going to try to do it in the morning when I get up, we'll see how that goes.

Oh, one more thing, I measured myself tonight and I'm down another 0.5" in total. I know that I'm probably bloated from PMS. So that's 8.5" in total. Not bad for 3 weeks. I know that the results are going to be slow to show and I have a long long way to go but I'm hanging in there.

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