Friday, January 31, 2003

Well (afraid to say something for fear of "speaking too soon") blogger seems to be working again. Here's hoping!

I had a great day. I took today off and got a tonne of stuff done at home. House-worky things that have been piling up. My intention was to get everything done today so I could have a day off tomorrow to veg. I got all my stuff done so I intend to pamper myself, sleep in, read a little, basically relax, all day tomorrow. Should be nice, I deserve and I've been looking forward to a day to myself for a while.

Food and activity wise I did really well today. My folks stopped by for a visit this morning and my mother mentioned that I looked slimmer in the hips and tummy area. I was pleasantly suprised to hear that from her. I hadn't seen her since Christmas...I can't really see a difference when I look in the mirror. I notice small differences in my clothes, mostly in the past week or so. The positive reinforcement is nice, it felt good, I feel good. It was a good day...and on that note, I bid you all a good night!

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