Sunday, June 06, 2004

2 in a row or, how much do I rawk?!

I actually rawk a fair little bit if you're asking. I'm so happy to report that I have managed to stay completely on plan through two entire weekends now. I wouldn't say that it was easy but this weekend was definitely easier than last weekend was. Here's hoping that next weekend is easier still!

The most important thing for me is to keep busy over the weekend. I find that if I can keep myself occupied, I'm not thinking about snacking. In lieu of proper workouts this weekend, I did some walking outside both days. It's been an absolutely gorgeous weekend here. This afternoon we actually went walking downtown. We haven't done that in ages and it was a nice treat, or it felt like a treat anyway.

I picked up a cool little book today, from the bargain table at Indigo. It's called "Nine 2 Five Yoga" and it's stretching and exercises that you can do at your desk throughout the work day. It's just a little paperback book but it's got full colour photos that demonstrate all of the exercises. The book was published in 2004 so I'm not sure why it was on the discount table but I'm not complaining. I'm planning to take it to work and try some of the stuff this week.

Tonight, right now as I type this, I feel really happy and healthy. The more days that pass by, that I'm able to stay on program, the better I feel, both mentally and physically. My stress levels seem to be getting back to normal and I definitely feel more rested than I have in months. It's coming up on 2 weeks of being totally back on track 100% and so far, it's all good!!

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